Honey Chavous

Honey Chavous


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Monday, November 15, 2010

20 Popular Beauty Tips

I thought this was pretty cool and wanted to share this with everyone. Who doesn't want to know beauty tips right? :)

1. "If you want to keep your hair, control your weight by exercising, not dieting," says New York City dermatologist Michael Lorin Reed. He recommends consuming high-protein, low-fat, low-carb foods for hair health, as well as popping 5,000 micrograms of biotin (a B vitamin) daily.

2. There's an expiration date on sunscreens. Check it and toss old ones (most last up to two years).

3. Help keep your skin clean and bacteria free by washing your makeup brushes. Suds them with shampoo, rinse, and hang with the bristles pointing down to air-dry.

4. Don't mix benzoyl peroxide and moisturizer. You'll dilute the BP to the point of uselessness

5. It may seem counterintuitive, but oily skin needs moisturizing, especially if you've been using acne treatments. Most topical acne creams and cleansers contain ingredients that can dry out your skin, which, in turn, can trigger inflammation and cause more breakouts. Your best bet is to use a moisturizer that doesn't contain oil and that's noncomedogenic. It won't clog your pores, and you'll be getting the moisture you need.

6. You may think that spending an hour at the beach today will help to "dry up" your acne. The harsh reality is that it'll make it worse. Our skin reacts to UV radiation by becoming inflamed, so you're likely to incur more bumps and redness from being in the sun.

7. Junk foods like chocolate, soda, pizza, potato chips, and French fries are typically thought to cause acne flare-ups. That's just hearsay, though, as no food has been shown to produce pimples.

8. A 10-year Australian study found that people who habitually eat a meat- and fat-filled diet develop skin cancer more often than those who consistently eat fruits and veggies.

9. Boost the nutrient content of your whole wheat pasta by adding a homemade sauce made from a can of crushed tomatoes and pureed veggies.

10. Good news, chocolate lovers. Dark cocoa boosts nourishing circulation to the skin. In a recent study, a daily does of cocoa for six weeks made skin smoother, better hydrated, and less sun-sensitive.

11. Stand up straight! Posture, the way we hold ourselves and position our bodies while sitting or standing, plays a big part in how we look and feel.

12. Treat razor burn with an over-the-counter tube of hydrocortisone (0.5 to 1 percent strength) and apply it to the affected area twice a day.

13. Tretinoin, a vitamin A-based skin cream, is the best wrinkle fighter around.

14. More often than not, brittle nails are caused by excessive exposure to harsh soaps, irritants, and acetone polish removers.

15. Puffy, swollen eyes? Reach for a bag of frozen peas! Wrap a soft cloth around the package to protect your skin from the frigid plastic, then chill out for five to 15 minutes while the cold shrinks the swelling.

16. Add a squeeze of lemon to your tea and you'll up the number of catechins your body can absorb by 80 percent. Citrus boosts antioxidant absorption.

17. Hum. Literally. It boosts nitric oxide, a nifty little body gas that, in small doses, has a stress-reducing effect.

18. Words to live by: Sleep is free cosmetic medicine.

19. Don't be fooled! The eyes don't need special treatment, so don't waste your money on expensive eye creams. The skin around your eyes may be delicate, but it doesn't need a special formula. Your regular moisturizer will do just fine.

20. It's a good idea to use three separate towels, one each for hair, face, and body. Wash the one for your face extra-often to keep bacteria from building up - it's a simple pimple preventer.

Love Honey C.

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